Are you interested in learning new ways to save money? Do you want to learn more about credit? The Credit & Money Management services will help you discover the tools you need to become financially empowered.

Understanding how to save and spend money is VERY IMPORTANT to your success in life. Financial literacy is understanding how money works in the real world. It also deals with how you manage, earn, and/or make money that will benefit your best interest. Depending on how well you manage money or invest it (turn it into more money), will determine how well you are in preparing for life after foster care. The Maryland Department of Human Services has placed strategies to help you strengthen your ability to understand how money and credit work and how to improve your finances.
- For youth 13-17 years old: DHS will complete a Credit Report for you! Talk to your caseworker to see if your credit report has been completed.
- For youth 18-23 years old: Complete your credit report online by visiting Annual Credit Report. There, you can also fill out the Annual Credit Report Request Form. This is a paper request form to have your credit report sent to you by mail. Please work with your caseworker on completing your form. If you have any questions, talk to your caseworker or Independent Living Coordinator.
Visit the FTC’s ID THEFT website.

Annual Credit Report is the official site to get your free annual credit reports. This right is guaranteed by Federal law. You can verify this is the official site by visiting the CFPB’s website.

Cash Campaign of Maryland
The CASH Campaign of Maryland (Creating Assets, Savings and Hope) provides financial literacy classes, free tax prep services, benefits screening, and financial coaching

Consumer Credit Counseling Services
CCCSMD’s mission is to help stabilize communities by creating hope and promoting economic self-sufficiency to individuals and families through financial education and counseling.
The official Coronavirus (COVID-19) website created by the United States Government provides information and guidelines for dealing with all aspects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

COVID-19 FAQ – Maryland Department of Labor
Frequently Asked Questions About COVID-19 and Maryland’s Unemployment Insurance Benefits Administration – Unemployment Insurance

Eckerd Connects | Workforce Development
Eckerd Connects provides holistic assistance to any Prince George’s County resident reentering the community, especially people that are formerly incarcerated, veterans, and youth (18-24 years old) who are trying to attain stability in the community.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is an independent agency created by the U.S. Congress to maintain stability in the nation’s financial system by insuring deposits and supervising financial institutions for safety and consumer protection.

Hands on Banking
Money means independence. Make a strong start in your financial life. Learn about creating a spending plan, starting work, and how continuing education after high school could fit into your financial future.

Junior Achievement of Central Maryland
Junior Achievement has 109 local JA Areas across the nation, is the nation’s largest organization dedicated to giving young people the knowledge and skills they need to own their economic success.

Junior Achievement of Greater Washington
Junior Achievement is the world’s largest organization dedicated to educating students in grades K-12 about financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship through experiential, hands-on programs.

Maryland Unemployment Insurance
You will be able to file a claim for many unemployment benefit programs using a single application, including regular Unemployment Insurance, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, and Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation.

MyMDTHINK (formally MyDHR) is the new and improved consumer portal providing access to benefits and resources including access to the MyLife site. The My Life site has an abundance of resources to assist older foster youth and alumni successfully transition to independence.

Our Calvert – Resource Center
A cloud-based, mobile friendly resource website for both service providers and community members which allows for real time information, improves access to services, and empowers citizens to more effectively address their human resources needs.

Practical Money Skills
Practical Money Skills features a series of interactive games developed to build money management skills and understanding of savings, investing, credit, debt management, etc.

Shore Transit
In order to help you get around, Shore Transit has made an effort to work with other transportation agencies. Shore Transit has incorporated bus stops that are serviced by other buses and public transportation agencies.

Think of Us
This Command Center houses resources and guidance for foster care individuals and organizations affected by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.

University of Maryland Extension
UME reaches all parts of Maryland with an office in every county and Baltimore City. Find out what your Land Grant University has accomplished in communities, businesses and agriculture with program highlights in education and outreach areas.

Vehicles for Change
Based outside of Baltimore, MD, Vehicles for Change awards cars that are repaired to meet quality standards to low-income families. Since 1999, cars have been awarded to more than 6,200 families, changing the lives than 22,000+ people in this region.